• There is no reception service at all times of the day.
  • Normally we try to welcome guests in person, and for this reason we always ask for the arrival time. In the event that at the time of arrival there was nobody in the house, we give customers (near the beginning of the stay) simple instructions that allow you to take possession of the room.
  • Upon arrival, customers will be asked for an identification document for the purpose of communicating the presence to the competent police bodies.
  • Pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 30.06.2003 n. 196, all personal data of our customers will be processed both by computer systems and manually, to fulfill tax obligations (draft invoices, record data, etc.).
  • The choice and assignment of the rooms is at the discretion of the Management.
  • The customer has the right to have the room from 14:00 on the day of arrival, until 11:00 on the day of departure.
  • During the stay, the room will always be available to guests, except for about 45 minutes in the period from 09:00 to 14:00 to allow for daily cleaning. If occupied during this time, cleaning will be carried out the following day.
  • On the day of the beginning of the stay, in case of arrival of the Clients before 14:00, we can guarantee the safekeeping of luggage with us. The assigned room can be made available in advance of 14:00 if it is “ready”, that is, freed from previous guests and already tidied up.
  • Our B&B has a particular attention to environmental issues and we invite all guests to participate in our environmental policy by saving water and reducing energy consumption (for example by turning off lights, air conditioning, TV when you are not in the room).
  • The bed linen and towels are changed every 4 days or after 3 nights.
  • According to the Italian anti-smoking law, it is not possible to smoke in the internal common areas and in all rooms.
  • It is forbidden to prepare meals in the room and to use machinery and equipment for washing, ironing, heating.
  • Electric razors and chargers are excluded from the ban.
  • The minibar in the rooms is intended only for the products supplied by the hotel. It cannot be used to introduce external food or drink. Improper use can damage it and lead to health and hygiene risks. In the event that the incorrect use of the minibar by the
  • Customer causes it to break, a penalty will be charged to the room account.
  • Behavior must always be maintained which at no time of the day and in no way damages the tranquility of others.
  • Gli adulti sono responsabili del comportamento dei minori loro affidati.
  • Non sono ammessi animali.
  • Non è consentito entrare in settori riservati al personale.
  • Non è consentito l’uso della cucina se non per necessità particolari e dietro autorizzazione della Direzione.
  • Chi arreca danni alla struttura o agli oggetti contenuti nelle camere, smarrisce o danneggia le chiavi, dovrà pagare una penale calcolata in base all’entità del danno arrecato e che sarà addebitata sul costo del soggiorno.
  • La Direzione declina ogni responsabilità nel caso di furto o di danno di oggetti lasciati incustoditi nelle camere.
  • Al fine di fornirvi il migliore servizio possibile preghiamo di rivolgersi con tempestività al nostro personale per segnalare eventuali problemi o esprimere lamentele.
  • Adults are responsible for the behavior of minors entrusted to them.
  • Animals are not admitted.
  • It is not allowed to enter areas reserved for staff.
  • The use of the kitchen is not allowed except for special needs and with the authorization of the Management.
  • Anyone causing damage to the structure or objects contained in the rooms, lose or damage the keys, will have to pay a penalty calculated on the basis of the extent of the damage caused and which will be charged on the cost of the stay.
  • The Management declines all responsibility in the event of theft or damage to objects left unattended in the rooms.
  • In order to provide you with the best possible service, please contact our staff promptly to report any problems or make complaints.


Rule for your stay - Booking rule - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © La Smorfia bnb 2020
Codice Unico Identificativo (CUSR): 15063049EXT0692